Fellow paddlers: Feel free to copy these pictures and share them on Facebook or email them to your friends or family. I have higher-resolution copies (these were cut down to about 30 percent of the original size) if you want them. Just let me know.
There are a disproportionate number of pictures of Jodi and Orange, just because it was so great watching a woman and her kayak fall in love!

Jodi and Orange at the Maury put-in

Jodi and Orange near the put-in

Jodi plays around on the Maury while waiting for the car shuttle

The first rapid of the day, at the confluence of the Maury and the James

Great Blue Heron on the bank

Tara and Iva

Jodi and Orange

Tara and Jodi approach a small rapid

Jodi hangs back while Tara hits the rapid

Jodi hits the rapid

Tara and Jodi

Rocky outcrop overlooking Balcony Falls; paddlers stand on the “lunch rock” to scout the rapids

Orange pulled up alongside Pete’s canoe at the “lunch rock” next to Balcony Falls

Tara arrives at the “lunch rock” and pulls up near Iva’s kayak

Balcony Falls!

We meet at last . . .

Jodi gets ready to run Balcony Falls

Tara and Dan R. wait in the pool above Balcony Falls (all the kayakers wanted the canoe to run it first)

Pete and I take his canoe over Balcony Falls (photo courtesy of Dan R.)

Whee! (photo courtesy of Dan R.)

The “lunch rock” as seen from below the rapids, with Iva in the photographer’s spot

Dan R., Jodi, and Tara hang out below the rapids after paddling over Balcony Falls (Tara is just out of the picture; the nose of her yellow kayak is on the right)

I paddle Dan R.’s kayak towards the falls, getting lined up with the chute

I kayak over the falls while Dan R. looks on. Thanks for the use of your kayak, Dan!

Jodi and Orange, chilling out somwhere downriver of Balcony Falls

A very rough-stitched panorama of one of the ridges that we paddled past

Looking downriver (paddlers from another party are visible ahead of us—it was a fairly busy day on the river)


Pete, with Dan R. and Tara in the background

Jodi powers ahead on the lake formed by a dam

Dan R., Tara, and Iva (almost completely hidden behind Tara)

The Appalachian Trail crosses the river-lake on an old railroad bridge; an active bridge (road or railroad? I can’t remember) is behind it

We saw people jumping off the bridge into the water 20-30 feet below (depending whether they jumped from the deck level or the top of the railing)

On the drive back, we stopped at a roadside turnout that overlooked Balcony Falls. I snapped several pictures.